- The chief factor that makes us who we are is our belief in Jesus Christ, the only Son of the only God.
- Because Jesus has saved us from the punishment our sin deserves, we gather every Sunday to celebrate and remember.
- We busy ourselves doing what Jesus wants us to do, focusing on what the Bible says.
- We pattern our church after the church in the New Testament, established by the apostles Jesus himself chose.
- We have chosen a name out of the Bible -: The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch" (Acts 11:26)
- We select elders who love our Lord Jesus to lead us, and we answer to no outside denominational authority - we are part of the independent fellowship of the Christian Churches and Churches of Christ
While we have no formal list of doctrines, we do affirm what the Bible says. Here is a partial listing:
- The Bible is God's Word
- The Eternal God creates everything from nothing.
- God made man in His image.
- Man's sin separates him from the holy God.
- Jesus Christ is God's Son
- Jesus lived a perfect life, died for our sins on the cross, then rose bodily from the grave.
- Jesus' blood saves imperfect people from their sins.
- Salvation cannot be earned, but God gives it as a gift.
- The Holy Spirit empowers every believer to live the Christian life.
- When Jesus returns, all mankind will be judged.
All Christians are members of God's church. But, to become a member of the Christian Church of Manteno is to identify with us. It's a pledge to worship weekly, to work willingly, to give generously and to love loyally. Membership says we can count on you to participate in helping in ministry. It also lines a person up to one day, if they desire, be a teacher in the family. Other leadership positions cannot be considered unless one is a member.
Those interested are urged to talk to our minister or an elder. You may also simply come forward during our worship service at invitation time and request to become a member.
As evidence of your relationship with Christ, you will be asked, "Are you an immersed believer?" If you cannot answer "YES", we will set up an appointment to do some teaching with you. If you are an immersed believer, we will ask you to repeat the great confession as evidence of your faith - "I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, my Lord and Savior" (based on Matthew 16:16)
We believe the Bible plainly sows how to become a Christian. In the New Testament, those who chose to follow Jesus Christ:
- Accepted God's plan (Acts 2:41) - that salvation from sin comes through Jesus alone (Acts 4:12)
- Believed (had faith) in Jesus (Acts 16:31) - that He is the Son of God and that His death on the cross took away our sin.
- Repented of their sins (Acts 3:19) - turning their hearts and actions away from sin and toward God
- Confessed their belief in Jesus (Acts 8:37) - boldly identifying with their Savior (Matthew 10:32-33)
- Were baptized into Jesus (Acts 2:38, 41) - immersed for the forgiveness of sins (1 Peter 3:21)
- Received the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38) - the indwelling power of God that allows one to live a Godly life.
Salvation from sin, then, is God's gracious gift, not what we have earned (Ephesians 2:8-9)